We were finally able to shoot outside today (although it threatened ALL day). This session was all about "J" with a couple of big sis thrown in. He's turning 2 and we needed to capture some images of this milestone. Lots of playing and a bit of modeling and we came away with some great images that I hope will make Mom and Dad smile. M&D, I'll email you again when your gallery is complete.

If you'd like to see more images by Lenscapes Photography please visit http://lenscapes-photo.com/
Oh Melissa, these photos are AMAZING...these kids have such gorgeous brown eyes! I'm looking forward to our session together and hope that we don't get rained out.
I love there eyes!!! great job
Cute kids. Great work.
Great Job, M!!!! I especially love the first one with the future dandelions about to be spread around the yard!! He has that look of "I double dog dare you!!! Such cute kids!! You capture children the way they really are--beautiful, fun and innocent!!!!
He looks so grown up for 2! Both him and his sis are adorable!
Cannot believe he's only 2 - he looks older! They are beautiful siblings and you did a great job on these. I'm sure mom and dad will be thrilled!
Sweet kiddos, love the big brown eyes.
They are so adorable!! I can't believe he's only 2!
Such cute kid's!! Great photo's!!
Very cute, cute kiddos too.
He looks at least 4! Wow! Great job.
So sweet! Beautiful work.
Nice work!
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