Welcome to our blog! Feel free to look around and visit often. This is where I will post teaser pictures from your sessions and new information and announcements from Lenscapes Photography, LLC. I am located in Kent, CT- that's in Northwest, Connecticut! Contact me if you are interested in booking a session.

I hope you enjoy looking at the photos I share, I just ask that you please do not try to save my photos to your computer. They are watermarked with our business name for a reason. We own the copyright to our photographs. If you are still unsure what that means...

please take a moment to read here.

Feel free to leave a blog comment, we enjoy reading them and sharing them with our customers.

Hope to see you soon!

If you're on facebook, please become a fan of Lenscapes photography here


Melissa Cherniske

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Happy Mother's Day --- and a promotion

Happy Mother's Day to all the mom's reading this blog.

As a special Mother's Day Sunday promotion.... I'd like to offer all Mom's who book a paid session with us during the month of May a free 12 photo accordion album (like the one in the picture below).

Great for your purse or to put on your desk at work... I'll fill it with pictures from your session.

Offer good only through the month of May 2009. Other restrictions may apply. Quantities are limited.


Carri M. said...

Nice promotion. Those albums are too cute. I can't wait to get some for myself.

My Crafty Mama said...

I agree with Carri! They are so cute and perfect to carry around as a brag book.

Jeannette Chirinos Gold said...

I love those acordion album, I wish we have them here
I want one for myself
Great promotion :)

Jordan Lyall Photography said...

Very cute albums - great promotion!

Tiffany Lense said...

These are super cute!!!