Welcome to our blog! Feel free to look around and visit often. This is where I will post teaser pictures from your sessions and new information and announcements from Lenscapes Photography, LLC. I am located in Kent, CT- that's in Northwest, Connecticut! Contact me if you are interested in booking a session.

I hope you enjoy looking at the photos I share, I just ask that you please do not try to save my photos to your computer. They are watermarked with our business name for a reason. We own the copyright to our photographs. If you are still unsure what that means...

please take a moment to read here.

Feel free to leave a blog comment, we enjoy reading them and sharing them with our customers.

Hope to see you soon!

If you're on facebook, please become a fan of Lenscapes photography here


Melissa Cherniske

Sunday, November 22, 2009

....and it's getting that much closer to the holidays....

Quick update to say, we are still here and really enjoying the lead up to the holidays. The rush is upon us and we're doing our best to accommodate everyone. Blog updates are few and far between now because we're so busy and attending to all of our customers needs but I'll try to come back after the new year and post more photos from November and December of sessions you missed seeing teasers of.

If you still haven't picked out your holiday cards and holiday prints, the deadlines are nearing. One last chance to get in for a session this Saturday at Kent Greenhouse and Garden Center. Details in the post below. Slots are still available so call or email ASAP to get a spot.

.... and it wouldn't be a post on our blog without a photo. Here's one from a session today. This is not one they will be picking for their holiday card so I feel confident that I can post it without giving away any of the surprises!


Anonymous said...

Love this picture! What a cutie! ~Angela

evie said...

That is one cute pic! The b&w is absolutely beautiful!

Schona Kessler Photography said...

Love the conversion and her sweet smile.